At GSCCA, we understand that navigating new platforms can sometimes be a challenge. That's why we've created this dedicated space to assist you every step of the way. Whether you're new to GSCCA or a seasoned user, our Help Centre is designed to provide you with easy-to-understand, comprehensive support.
Need Help files
Please see below a selections of articles which will contain How-to Guides, FAQs and a knowledge base of information for you to find all of the information needed to navigate our site.
Can't find what you're looking for?
If you are stuck and need more help or can't find what you're looking for, please contact us.
Help files for all users
How do I add a course or event to my calendar?
Cancelling my course or event booking
Why have I not received a receipt for a course or event?
Giving feedback on a course or event
Finding your CPD records and check a booking
Why have I not received my CPD certificate?
Contacting a member of our committee
Help files only for members
Can I get a receipt for my membership?
Help files for firm administrators only
How do I make myself a firm administrator?
How do I make my firm a training firm?