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How do I renew my membership?


You can copy and paste this Help File into a word document for safekeeping


1. Log into the website by clicking on the green user icon on the right side of the navigation menu.  You will need your membership number, if you have forgotten this, please contact admin@gscca,gg   Going forward you should keep this information in a safe place.  If you have forgotten your password, you will need to reset it see Help File: 

2. Click on 'Members Area'.  

3. Click on the 'PAY NOW' button

4. Fill in the form

5. Click 'SUBMIT'


7.  You will automatically be taken to OPAYO, the GSCCA payment system for subscriptions

8.  Please wait until your payment has fully completed.  This may take a few minutes to process

9.  You will receive a receipt from the website for the payment. 



1.  Log into the website by clicking on the green user icon on the right side of the navigation menu. See image point 2 In individual member above.  You will need your membership number, if you have forgotten this, please contact admin@gscca,gg   Going forward you should keep this information in a safe place.  If you have forgotten your password, you will need to reset it see Help File: 

2. Select 'Manage Members', first green box on left. 

You will see a list of all members currently linked to your firm.  Each member will show if they are a Full, Associate or Student Member.  If a member has qualified since the last renewal date, you need to contact [email protected] to change BEFORE you renew

3.  You can also remove any member who no longer works for your firm

4. Go back to your firm profile and select 'Manage Payments' see image 2 above  On the left of this screen select each box for each member you wish to renew.  If a name appears here which is not relevant go back to Point 3 Manage Members. above.

5.  Select 'Renew Memberships'

6.  Complete the form carefully and fully.  Select 'Submit'.  This takes you into the GSCCA OPAYO payment system. See image below.  Please wait and follow the prompts given. DO NOT LOG OUT - this may take a few minutes to process. 

7.  Go back to 'Download Members Report', see image 2 above.  Print and attach to your receipt if required



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