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Booking a Course or Event

How Eventbrite Works

Each course needs to be booked separately, but you can add as many members and non-members as you wish to each course.  i.e. If one member/non member wishes to attend 3 separate courses, three separate bookings will need to be made.  If multiple members or non members wish to attend the same course, one booking may be made by a Firm Administrator.  For example book THREE member tickets and ONE non-member ticket.  A Member or non member can make their own booking or a Firm Administrator can make multiple bookings.

To book for Members you must have the Membership ID on hand, your firm name and the delegate primary email.  If you cannot remember your number, a Member or Firm Administrator can log in to the website to retrieve.  See Help Files on the website.

To book for Non Members you will need to complete your name, firm name, email and enter 'None' in member ID.  We do check non member data declared on bookings.  If you register as a member but are not a member, your booking will be cancelled and you will be charged the Eventbrite cancellation fee.  See T&C on the website.


View all events on    Go to ‘Courses & Events’.   Scroll down, on the right-hand side you have an option to LIST, view for MONTH or EXPORT CALENDAR. 

1.    Select LIST. Select Event you wish to book, press   .  The link will take you through to Eventbrite.

2.    You will see the screen below, add how many MEMBER/NON MEMBER tickets you need in the correct box.     

3.    Press RED CHECK OUT Enter your debit/credit card data including your post code.

4.    Scroll down PLACE ORDER in RED BOX.


5.    When your payment has been processed you will see this screen

FOR MEMBERS Enter Delegate Name, Company, Member ID and email.  If you don't have a Firm Name, enter 'None'.  If

FOR NON MEMBERS Enter Delegate Name, Company and email.  Enter NONE for Member ID

IMPORTANT  If you do not do this, your delegates will not receive emails regarding the course, their CPD Certificate will not be received and the course will not be logged on their Personal CPD Record held on the website 



6. Eventbrite will take you to this screen

7. Press 'Take me to my tickets', download and print your ticket which is also your receipt Once your payment is made, you will receive a message  You will also receive email confirmation of your booking from Eventbrite.  


7.   You can check all bookings by logging into the GSCCA website as a Firm Administrator for a firm overview or a member to view your own profile.

See CANCELLATION POLICY on website, please read carefully.  NOTE:    If you are a Non-Member and you book as a Member (with the reduced member fee), you may be able to process this booking.  However, the GSCCA will cancel and refund this booking and you will be charged the Eventbrite booking fee with no exceptions.  If you do not follow point 5. above you may be charged an administration fee of £20 per delegate to make the required changes


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